4 Ways You Can Help Your Client Move Quicker & Easier

To gain and hang onto clients, you’ll need to make the real estate process as smooth as possible. If your clients believe that you dragged the situation out for longer than you could have, or if they went through avoidable stress over the course of their move, they’re likely to attribute it to your services. And, sometimes, this is true—if you’re not staying on top of your performance, it’s far easier to slip up and make your clients’ lives more difficult than they need to be.

Fortunately, it’s entirely possible to simplify the real estate process for your clients from beginning to end. That way, you can successfully save them both time and money, leading to a smoother process and an overall more positive home buying experience.

4 Ways to Make Home Buying Easier

Here are the top ways a real estate agent can make the home buying experience far more positive, for each of their clients.

1. Help Your Clients Plan Early
At least six weeks before their move, lend your clients a hand with the preparations process. For instance, consider providing your clients with a thorough moving checklist several weeks in advance. If your clients can pace themselves, they’re going to have a far less stressful moving experience.

2. It’s Time to Downsize
Help your clients downsize wherever possible—this will make the moving process easier. Remind them that if any belongings are unneeded, it’s probably time to either donate or dispose of them. Fewer items will make everyone’s lives easier.

3. Color Code the Clients’ Belongings
Unpacking can be incredibly stressful, especially if you don’t know where anything is located. To give your client a far easier time, it’s a good idea to color-code their packed belongings. All you need to do is mark boxes with Sharpies, and you’re good to go.

4. Get In Touch With Utility Companies
It’s easy to forget some of the details as you and your clients work through a hectic moving process. However, forgetting to contact the relevant utility companies will only add avoidable stress to your plate. If these services are set up correctly and in advance, your client can avoid paying more than they need to.

Want additional guidance on how to provide your clients with the quickest, most cost-effective move? Contact us for assistance.